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I Am Learning Academy, LLC

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Providing Education and Life Skills to advance the future of our Community

About Us

Put Learning Back Into Education

The purpose of I Am Learning Academy is to focus on a new educational paradigm that connects our students to God and helps them discover who they are and whose they are. 


We are a non-chartered, non-tax supported school

I Am Learning Academy does not receive government funding; therefore, we are maintained through tuition, donations and fund raising efforts by parents and patrons of the school. If you are interested in making a donation to our school, you may click the donation button below:

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Education is suppose to be the proper cultivation of the gifts and talents of the individual through the acquisition of knowledge.  Knowledge satisfies our natural thirst for gaining that which will make us one with our Maker.  So true education cultivates the person's mind, body and spirit, by bringing us closer to fulfilling our purpose for being, which is to reflect God.  The second purpose for education, after self cultivation, is to teach us how to give proper service to self, family, community, nation and then to the world.

The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan 


"As a parent, witnessing my son's transition from his first year of traditional schooling to exploring virtual learning options has been a remarkable journey.  I Am Learning Academy, particularly the summer reading class with Sister Angel, has been a transformative experience.  

Sister Angel does a wonderful job of educating, teaching and empowering children daily without fail.  Our son enjoyed every session and eagerly looked forward to each day. I value and appreciate the accountability she maintains, and I am especially impressed by her patience and ability to engage the children, even when they get a little excited at times.

In just a couple of weeks, I observed significant improvements in my son's speech and understanding of language.  One of the most touching aspects of the class was that every session began with acknowledging God through prayer, which was very impressive and added a meaningful dimension to the experience.

Overall, I Am Learning Academy was an investment that was beyond worth it.  We look forward to experiencing more of what the academy has to offer our child.

~ Sister Rashida Muhammad

Sister Paulette, Illinois

"My son attended I Am Learning Academy from September 2020 to May 2023, Grades 3 to 5.  The education he received was above what we expected.  The curriculum included Islam and Math daily.  After researching several online schools, this school won because it was affordable and matched what we were looking for. The Director, Sister Angel Muhammad, was patient and very attentive when asked questions about the school.  My son loved the classes, and will never forget his teacher."

Sister Tiffani, Illinois

"Sister Angel is an exceptional teacher who is attentive to each child in her class.  She takes the time to understand each child's learning style and caters to it. Her  communication skills are top-notch, which makes it easy for her to connect with her students.  She is a caring teacher who takes the time to ensure that each child in her class feels valued and supported.  Her dedication to her students is evident in the way she teaches and interacts with them.  If you're looking for a school that has dedicated teachers who put their students first, then I Am Learning Academy is a great option."

Sister Talicia, Indianapolis

"My girls had the best experience at I Am Learning Academy.  The teacher was able to provide individualized instruction to each of my girls.  Sister Angel tailored the curriculum to each child to benefit their strengths and weaknesses.  My girls were able to skip ahead one grade level due to everything they were taught and exposed to at I Am Learning Academy."
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